Contact & Location
Dr. Caterina Ramogida
Office: Simon Fraser University, SSB C9035
Phone: 778-782-4880
Shrum Science Building C8065
Simon Fraser University ​Department of Chemistry
8888 University Dr.
Burnaby BC V5A 1S6
Life Sciences
4004 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC
V6T 1Z1
Research Positions
Prospective graduate students, undergraduate researchers, or post-doctoral researchers interested in joining the Ramogida group or would like any further information are free to contact me directly: Due to volume of inquiries, only those applicants selected for interview will be notified.
The interdisciplinary nature of our research allows graduate students who join my group to gain experience in multiple disciplines including organic/inorganic chemistry, molecular biology, and radiochemistry. My philosophy is to expose graduate students to a variety of experiences during their research in order to enhance their options following completion of their degree. Graduate students in my group will have the opportunity to do research in our chemistry labs at SFU, our radiochemistry labs at TRIUMF, and work closely with our collaborators at BC Cancer.
Research conducted by undergraduate students is an integral part of our research program. A number of different undergraduate research opportunities are available:
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • Undergraduate Research Project (CHEM 481 or CHEM 483)
  • Work-study semester
  • NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
  • Co-op Student (through TRIUMF Co-op Program)